This is part 2 in a home ninja line obstacle course for kids series and it centers on setting up the Flybold slackline we purchased from Gentle Booms Sports two summers ago. This slackline recommends taking it down while not in use but I left it up all summer two years in a row with no notable damage other than slight discoloring. I'll give you tips and tricks of things I've learned to make the slackline setup go smoothly.
Click on this link to learn how to set up the ninja line slackline.

Be sure to read it carefully so you can follow along with the rest of the ninja line obstacle course building series and soon enough you'll be hosting Ultimate Beastmaster and American Ninja Warrior competitions of your own with your kids.

Our kit is not only a training course but also a portable outdoor entertainment set for kids of all ages. According to our research, 80% of kids lose their interest in the regular ninja line after 15 minutes of training. However, not with the ladder, the climbing rope, and the swing! Put this in the backyard if you want your child to be the popular kid on the block! The best birthday gift for kids! Get ready for the season!