If goods are the chain of space between people, then the Christmas gift is the chain of time between people. On this special day, Christmas presents bring children out of their small, closed homes into the wider world. There, everyone lived in harmony with countless strangers. And Santa Claus, who comes from the far North Pole, opens children's Windows into the wide world from an early age.Ninja Line Family Obstacle Course is a great Christmas gift for kids.
Ninja Line Family Obstacle Course

With the exchange of cultures, gift-giving at Christmas has become close to becoming a universal custom. According to the legend, Santa Claus is always on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, running happily with each family, he climbed into the house from the chimney, leaving Christmas gifts for the children, eating the children's left food for him. The smiling old man, with his snow-white beard and red coat, is the most popular Christmas guest.

Santa Claus usually likes to put Christmas gifts in socks, so the children always get ready early Christmas stockings, a pair of red socks, before going to bed at night Christmas stockings hanging in the bed, waiting for the next morning to receive Christmas gifts. Adults are ready for a Christmas hat, a red hat. Don't underestimate this hat. It's amazing. It is said to wear it to sleep in the evening in addition to warm sleep sweet, dawn will also be found in the hat to send Christmas gifts. In the West, whether Christians or not, a Christmas tree should be prepared at Christmas to increase the festive atmosphere. Christmas trees are usually made of evergreen trees such as cedar and cypress, symbolizing the longevity of life. Trees are decorated with colorful flowers, stars, lights, and toys, hanging all kinds of. On Christmas Eve, people sing and dance around the Tree.
Christmas gift

Gift choice

The following tokens represent different meanings
Scarf. - I love you forever.
Flowers - I wish to put my name on your heart.
Books. - I'm sure you're smart.
Gum. - I want to be with you for a long time.
Cigarettes. - I hate you.
Book. - I want to see your innocent love.
The ring. - You'll always be mine.
Umbrella? - I'll protect you no matter what.
Hairpin - Wish you success.
The mirror. - Don't you forget me.
The necklace. - I want you by my side.
Chocolate. - I love you.
Lighter? - You were my first love, and you and he was instant.
Ballpoint pen - I give you half of my heart.
Key ornament. - I wish you luck.
Paste patch (album) - put our love in my heart.
Pen - keep our love in my heart.
Touch doll. - I want you to be real.
Lucky. - I want to be your friend.
Gloves. - I hope you're real.
Handkerchief. - I wait to meet again after parting.
Pajamas. - I'll give you everything I have.
Diary. - I want to keep our memories close to my heart
Wallet. - It means you want to be with him forever
Belt? - It means to keep him on forever
Razor. - It means you think he's a good, mature man
Photo album - treasure the memories of you and me forever
Paper Crane: I hope my love for you has a happy ending.
Send a watch, on behalf of you and he likes to have every minute of the feelings
A tie means you've locked him in and he's never leaving your side