Inspirational Quotes About Children and Nature
These simple words tell us the plainest of truths. It showed me that what children need most is not a computer or those noisy toys, but something that will bring them back to nature.

I hope you will enjoy these quotes as they are shared with you.

“Encourage your child to have muddy, grassy or sandy feet by the end of each day, that’s the childhood they deserve.”
~Penny Whitehouse

“As a child, one has that magical capacity to move among the many eras of the earth;
to see the land as an animal does; to experience the sky from the perspective of a flower or a bee;
to feel the earth quiver and breathe beneath us;
to know a hundred different smells of mud and listen unselfconsciously to the soughing of the trees.”
~Valerie Andrews

“Children more than ever, need opportunities to be in their bodies in the world – jumping rope, bicycling, stream hopping and fort building. It’s this engagement between limbs of the body and bones of the earth where true balance and centeredness emerge.”
~ David Sobel

“The Mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime” ~Author unknown

“Restore balance. Most kids have the technology, school, and extracurricular activities covered. It’s time to add a pinch of adventure, a sprinkle of sunshine, and a big handful of outdoor play.” ~ Penny

“Playing together in nature is as much about us as the child. Children get to celebrate and be themselves, while we are reminded of our inner child – the essence of who we are.” Nicolette Sowder

“To raise a nature-bonded child is to raise a rebel, a dreamer, an innovator… someone who will walk their own verdant, winding path.” ~Nicolette Sowder

“Let the children be free; encourage them;
let them run outside when it is raining;
let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water;
and when the grass of the meadows is wet with dew,
let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet;
let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath its shade;
let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning.”
~ Maria Montessori

I like to go searching for these short quotes.
Reading these sentences doesn't take a lot of time, yet we can quickly understand our relationship with our children.
We want them to grow up happy, yet we worry about their future.
I hope these sentences will help you.